Eligibility Criteria for applying:

  • Academic criteria: Applicants of any nationality must be in a position to complete a master's degree or an equivalent diploma before the beginning of the PhD position or have completed a master's degree or an equivalent diploma. Applicants already in possess of a PhD title are not eligible. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis, but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be eligible.
  • International criteria: Applicants will need to comply with the MSCA mobility rule. Applicants must not have had their main residence or carried out their main activity (work, studies...) in the recruiting country for more than 12 months during the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline of the call. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugees status under the Geneva Convention (1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol) are not taken into account.

To-do list before filling the online application form below:

  • contact the supervisor(s) of the chosen project
  • prepare a CV (max 2 pages) including the name and contact details of 2 previous supervisors;
  • have ready the academic transcripts including bachelor's and master's grades and a language proficiency in English (TOEFL/IELTS), if applicable;
  • prepare a motivation letter, including any international experience (max 1 page);
  • prepare a short proposal (1-2 pages max) describing, from your perspective, your specific role within the chosen research project, after having discussed with the supervisor(s).

All the documents must be gathered in 1 PDF file called "yourname_project#.pdf". If your pdf file is not complete, it will not be considered. If you are applying to more than one project, you have to prepare one pdf per project.

Application form:

Now, you can send your pdf file to the administrative email cofund-archifun@univ-lyon1.fr for the application to be complete.