Doctoral Training Programme

ArchiFun Doctoral Programme (DP) will train two consecutive classes of Doctoral Fellows (DF), each lasting 36 months, with some opportunities to run up to 42 months, with no breakout penalties. They will be trained through research in the laboratories implementing ArchiFun DP on specific high-end projects, all of which are a mix of basic and applied research, methodological or technology-driven, wet and dry science.

Each year UCBL, UGR, UNIPD, TUM and NIC will propose three classes of training to the recruited DF:

  • scientific training on subjects linked to the research projects;
  • soft skill training;
  • horizontal (transferable skill) training.

Preliminary list in the following PDF

Secondments and Thematic Events

ArchiFun will offer secondments and hands-on practical schools on specific methodologies and techniques. The career development plan should include at least one international and one intersectoral type of secondment in any implementing and associated partners, including both academic, non-academic and research infrastructure partners.

Preliminary list in the following PDF